The beginning of a new year brings on the promise of the bigger and the better.

2018.  The year I decide to put what I truly love first and work my tail off to make it happen.  What do I truly love?  Myself, family and building my Postpartum Doula business – The Maternal Sidekick.

How am I going to make this happen?  The organization that I am certifying with, Doula Training Canada, issued a 30 day challenge to grow our business and talk about perfect timing.  I needed the accountability and the push to create attainable goals and sustainable plans to propel The Maternal Sidekick into a practical and successful business.

This week in the challenge is dedicated to affirmations and the importance of applying these little nuggets to our business goals.  And sure enough, as I am choosing three affirmations that ring true to both myself and my goals, I am blown away with what I have accomplished this week.

The following affirmations  are from fortune cookies from one visit at The Mandarin, shortly before this challenge and they are PERFECT!

Union gives strength. Work collaboratively.

My business goal at the beginning of the month was to secure a work space outside of the home to allow a more professional feel and to set work/home boundaries as I have a hard time separating the two. Well within 7 days of setting the goal, BAM I am now a member of a co-working space that offers everything I need.

  • Clean, professional and open concept
  • Central location
  • Lots of parking
  • Access to a private room for potential client meetings
  • BONUS: My membership fee goes directly into supporting the rest of the building occupied by Indwell.

I had goose bumps and a total feel-good feeling when I first checked the space out and then signed the agreement.


Your efforts will be worthwhile.

One of my biggest struggles with making big decisions may it be a house rental, car purchase, or some sort of life altering event, is that I jump the gun and choose and/or buy the first option provided.  When scoping out co-working places, I made the effort to check out more than one place and not to say yes to until I had.

This proved difficult as the first place I checked out I ABSOLUTELY LOVED.  But I had to stay true to my intentions and did my due diligence and sure enough the first place was the one for me!  The experience was a valuable learning tool where I had to write emails saying that I would be passing on other spaces.  I usually avoid uncomfortable situations or at least put them off until last-minute.  But this week, I had no issues writing those uncomfortable emails and hitting send because I knew what I truly wanted.

The first day at the new space turned out to be a reward for my patience and gave way to affirming that I had indeed made the right decision.  More on that below!

You have a magnetic personality.

There is an importance of getting out there and working your community.  You never know who you are going to run into and create the opportunity to grow your business.

While working at my new space, a lovely woman who works in my community with a community development committee was talking about a need that I could help with.  She also talked about grants that I could potentially apply for because I am a community member.

Holy smokes, Batman.  My first day and I’m already making contacts to grow the business!  All of the feels I tells ya!!!!

Baby steps pack a punch

Believing and Achieving.  Four months ago, I didn’t think I was going to be where I am at in my business and that is because I didn’t make a plan or write any goals.  Fourteen days into 2018 and I am succeeding because of putting in the efforts writing down goals and then working towards them.  There is an air of excitement of what 2018 holds.

Watch out world, I’m taking baby steps to grow The Maternal Sidekick into a powerhouse in the doula realm.

Leave a comment below with your favourite affirmations.