
I have always been one to be over prepared in any life event and my hospital birth was no different. Even though this was my fourth rodeo of birth, I was not well versed in hospital births and what was to be expected. Packing a hospital bag was foreign to me and I thought I needed everything but the kitchen sink to make my birth experience an enjoyable one. Looking back, I only needed half of the items I packed and even weeks after the birth there were still items unused left in the bag that I had yet to unpack. Here were my MUST HAVES in a hospital bag: Comfy sports bra - most likely will have birth matter on it by the end. Cheap flip-flops *birth gets messy Loose fitting robe - feel like a goddess and comfortable post birth! Easy slip-on nightgown that you are not afraid [...]

I’m at a party where I know two people that I can hold a conversation with and can feel comfortable sitting beside. As parties go though, you don't really stay put with the same group of people for very long. It's like people musical chairs.   So I sit on the edges of the party observing, trying to get in the party mood. The truth is I'm holding back tears. I am the party pooper! While the majority of peeps were dancing and having a ball, all I could do was feel as though I have grown past this scene. That I am an imposter of this type of fun.  But in reality this really isn’t the case, I love to dance and be silly and to have a good time! Smile! With the two people that I knew at the party.  Its so easy to put a smile [...]

Laura, Miguel, and Ellie are the clients that cemented my conviction that I had found my true calling in helping new families as a postpartum doula.  When we were nearing the end of our contracted time together, I had asked Laura if she would share her experience into mamahood.  Watching her in this parental role was inspiring and I knew other parents needed to see that there can be positivity and light in those first few months of bringing home baby.   And not just the doom and gloom that social media tends to focus on. Having a strong support team is key in fostering a positive postpartum experience.  Before baby arrives, think about who will you lean on in times of need.  My hopes are that by reading Laura's experience, it will give you the inspiration and the drive to create your own postpartum support team. The Birth of [...]

71 days⁣. That is how many days in a row I had to take these Progesterone injections in the rump⁣ 71 days. This was the length of the fertility clinic's protocol to maintain this surrogate pregnancy⁣. ⁣ The fear of missing a dose was very real.  The thought of a miscarriage due to a skipped dose replayed in my head day in and day out.⁣ Those times where our family ventured to visit family out of town and I forgot to bring the needle meant a rush home to get within the time frame of 7-9pm. Cutting a visit short.⁣⁣ There were times where I was very scared to self inflict the pain to the point of shaking and crying and there were times where the injection went in like butter and did not hurt in the slightest.⁣ The last two weeks of injections were a test of perseverance as I was [...]

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