
People say every pregnancy is different... What we as first time parents don’t understand is, how different it will be! My name is Leah. I am 31 years old and I had my first child at the age of 18. First time around While I was pregnant with my son, I was tired all the time! Not to mention sick everyday for the entire 40 weeks! I continued to be active during my pregnancy, which helped when I finally went into labour. After labouring at home, I proceeded to jogged... that right you read that correctly! I jogged into the hospital and announced to the nurse that I was in labour. She did not believe me of course, so after about 20 minutes she sent someone in to check how I was doing. I was already 8 cm dilated and quickly made it to 10. It wasn’t long until my [...]

Raise your hand if the word "snack" causes you to want to run away as your toddler asks for one for the 100th time today? Maude from Family & Co. Nutrition has been gracious enough to share her knowledge in a guest blog post about everyone's favourite meal......Snack time! Are you a snacker? When and what do you typically snack on? Are you always on the go, or driving the kids around and always on the lookout for snack ideas that are not messy? Or perhaps you never remember to bring a snack with you? What is a sustaining snack? There are 2 purposes of a snack: to taste good and to take care of your hunger. I let you decide what tastes good based on your preference and mood! To curb your hunger though, here are the key points. The healthy snack is a combination of: protein source + Complex carbs [...]

Extra, extra, read all about it.....guest blog post alert!!!!! The Maternal Sidekick is a firm believer that ALL WOMEN should see a pelvic floor physiotherapist as part of maintaining their overall health and quality of life. Kate Jones from,  a Hamilton Ontario Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist providing in home care to women in Hamilton, speaking on when should you visit a pelvic floor physiotherapist. When should you visit a pelvic floor physiotherapist A few specific indicators that you may benefit from pelvic physiotherapy are: leaking urine, gas, or stool when you laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise needing to pee frequently, more than about 8 times each day pelvic pain or pain with sex or tampon use having sudden urges to pee that lead to leaking or barely making it to the bathroom diastasis recti (abdominal separation) pelvic organ prolapse or a sense of vaginal heaviness constipation Regardless of whether you have [...]

Pelvic floor health before I had my first was not even on my radar. I thought I would never have an issue with incontinence. Definitely had no idea what diastasis recti (abdominal separation) was.  Through joining a postnatal fitness centre, a deep seeded love and appreciation of the pelvic floor developed.  Fast-forward 4 years, I am now working with new families and making sure they know what services are available to them postpartum.  Especially pelvic floor health which is vital for experiencing a higher quality of life. Kate Jones: A Collaborative Spotlight Through a mutual acquaintance, I had an opportunity to connect with Kate, a pelvic floor physiotherapist.  I fell in love with what she has to offer. What made Kate stand out was her willingness to offer in-home service. Convenience, taking better care of ourselves, and less stress is the name of the game in those first few months of [...]

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