**Please note: Images in the featured image is from Lem & June and not from our contributor**

Birthing people shouldn’t be hesitant to share any and all births that we experience. But yet our society’s culture wants us to have a middle of the road birth. Not too traumatic but not too exotic and enjoyable. Don’t share the scary side of birth and don’t brag about how awesome it was.

We are on a mission to share the amazing with the hard to read. We must know that there is a wide array of experiences when it comes to bringing babies into this world. Consuming a multitude of stories can help those that are pregnant with their first; or are going through the process of adding a child to their family. That these stories can bring awareness to all possibilities. May be our efforts in sharing, may fire you up to look into advocating for your birth experience when maybe before you would not have thought for second of what could happen.

This Mama Beginnings story brought to you by: Karima McFarlane 

Content: Positive experiences as a visible minority

Labour & Birth within a hospital

As a visible minority I have heard and read about horror birth stories at hospitals. I am blessed and happy to say that my two experiences was truly beautiful at St Joseph Hospital in Hamilton. I had both my children at this hospital. The staff were amazing and yes I loved ordering from the menu, I ordered a bit extra for my snacks throughout the day! Ain’t nothing that salt and pepper cant help with!

What helped for my labour

As an individual I am known to be calm and a go with the flow person. For both vaginal deliveries with no pain medication this is what allowed me to push through. With my first pregnancy I did prenatal yoga classes which taught me how to breathe effectively and control my breathing – beneficial for labor pains. Six weeks before my due date, I ate 6 dates a day. Apparently this helps to thin out my cervix.  With my deliveries I was in active labor for about 2 to 3 hours for each and baby deliveried within 30 minutes of pushing.

High pain tolerance 

I realized that I have a very high pain tolerance and literally told myself to breathe out the pain – my aunt told me this during my first delivery. Thankful that she came down as she was my doula last minute. With my second the pain was definitely more intense and by the time I reached the hospital,  she was born 90 minutes later. The OB barely had time to put on his gloves in the room.

Hesitation with sharing my birth stories

I have always been hesitant to share my birth story because I fear that others would think that I am bragging. But really I am so happy with how our bodies can deliver children in all different ways and feelings. This is our pure beauty – bringing life into this world whatever way that is healthy and safe. Thank you @mamaraderie  for giving me the space to share.

Thank you Karima for sharing your experiences. Your story could be the flicker of a light for someone that needs the reassurance that birth can happen in a positive way.

Need to talk to someone regarding your own experience? Birth and Postpartum Support Resources here 

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