71 days⁣. That is how many days in a row I had to take these Progesterone injections in the rump⁣

71 days. This was the length of the fertility clinic’s protocol to maintain this surrogate pregnancy⁣.


The fear of missing a dose was very real.  The thought of a miscarriage due to a skipped dose replayed in my head day in and day out.⁣

Those times where our family ventured to visit family out of town and I forgot to bring the needle meant a rush home to get within the time frame of 7-9pm. Cutting a visit short.⁣⁣

There were times where I was very scared to self inflict the pain to the point of shaking and crying and there were times where the injection went in like butter and did not hurt in the slightest.⁣


The last two weeks of injections were a test of perseverance as I was running out of spots on my bum that would handle the injection without pain.  And to this day, several weeks after my last injection, I feel the aftermath of those darn injections.⁣

I also saw how strong and kind my oldest daughter was as she wanted to help inject and also wipe away any blood that was a result of the Progesterone injection.⁣

This needle represents a testament of my mental and physical strength – all in the name of making a family.   
