

What others are saying about The Maternal Sidekick


After the postpartum experience with my firstborn, I realized there needed to be more support for new families. The feelings of isolation and insecurity of becoming a new mother were too overwhelming to ignore. Since 2017, I have been taking strides in bringing awareness in postpartum support in the Hamilton community and beyond.
Postpartum support means more than just holding a baby for a few hours. Supporting the entire family for even a few hours at a time can have a positive impact in the postpartum experience. Benefits can last a lifetime!

Melissa M. – Postpartum Photography Love

When our friend and postpartum doula Erika reached out to see if we would be interested in a lifestyle photoshoot so she could hone her photography skills, it took me days to respond. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been feeling pretty down about the way I look. I feel like 24:7 parenting in relative isolation had not done me any favors. I barely looked in the mirror anymore and when I did wasn’t loving the tired, out of shape person looking back. 

I finally responded to Erika’s kind offer saying that she could always come and take a few pictures of Aidan but I would stay out of the shots. So it was no surprise that I didn’t get ready for the photoshoot. Aside from brushing my teeth, I greeted Erika at the door in my pyjamas with unbrushed hair, coffee in hand. 

We went about our daily life as she clicked away and after a while I said it was ok if I was in some of the photos and would keep them “just for us”. 

When I got them back, I realized we had done all of the things in these photos for the past few months and I had taken most of them for granted. They helped me remember all the times I watched Aidan play on the slide and with his water table, showed him the bird feeder, sat with him on the swing. Erika had captured these moments I thought were so mundane and made them so special to me. I never knew I could cherish them so much. 

I wasn’t looking perfect, sometimes Aidan wasn’t happy,  but it was us; the way we are and there’s so much beauty in this, despite life being difficult and messy the past 6 months. 

If you’re lucky enough to choose Erika as your postpartum doula (The Maternal Sidekick) she’s also able to capture your early moments with your little one – whatever they may look like.  ❤️

postpartum support

Erika has been a fantastic addition to our life with a new little one.  She exudes positive energy, is a non-judgmental and supportive sounding board, and is full of knowledge for a new mom’s many, many questions! Having Erika’s Postpartum Doula support has taught me a lot, and made the transition to new motherhood less stressful. Having an extra set of hands helped to get us organized as well as allow for stealing much needed moments to recharge. Best of all – my daughter simply adores her! I would highly recommend Erika’s services for any new parent.

Tannis J

Erika spent 50ish postpartum hours in our home and I’m so grateful she did. She helped us in the early days of chaos and sleeplessness and then later on when I needed a break from trying to do it all. She took care of our baby and gave me time to put the house in order. I also appreciated her company; her kind and supportive conversations. 💕

Andrea K.

From the first time that I met her, I knew Erika would be a great fit with our family. With her humorous and lighthearted nature combined with her truly caring and knowledgeable approach, she was exactly what my husband and I needed during our transition into parenthood. I felt I could ask her anything, both during and in between our visits, and she would provide her feedback and ideas without judgement. Her encouragement helped me feel good about my decisions and overall as a new mom. I seriously looked forward to our visits and already miss them. Thank you Erika!

Dakota L. – Mother to Mother

Being a first time (or second, or fourth for that matter) mom is a tough gig! I remember a particular situation where Erika came to my rescue. I was at an event at Bayfront park, my then 8 month old son Mason hadn’t been feeling well for a few days, but I judged him to be well enough to go for an outing to the park. Well, he was not into it, and fussing and crying and I was taking it personally and getting frustrated and embarrassed. I distanced myself from the group and was crying right along with my boy. By some amazing sixth sense, Erika knew I was struggling. She came up, scooped up that baby and told me to go socialize for a bit. 

I went back to the herd, and left Mason with her. I watched her do laps, bouncing, singing, and soothing from afar. I felt a bit silly for crying in public but so thankful that someone noticed I needed a hand. Erika has the kind of warm personality that is attuned to how another might be feeling. She hugged me tight, talked me through my options and became a bright spot in my dark day! 

I have no doubt that Erika is an amazing doula and is truly fulfilling her destiny by helping families navigate the messy, emotionally charged postpartum time. I can’t think of anyone better suited to tackle the challenges a new family faces, and I’m so pleased to call her a friend.

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