Congratulations!  Baby has arrived.  Are you finding your little one is outgrowing all those cute outfits and baby items you thought they would need for an indefinite amount of time? What are you doing to reduce the overwhelm of outgrown stuff? Well my friend, here is the scoop on selling your baby items.

If you need items to keep your baby comfortable, check out the resources below that can have donations ready for you!

The scoop on selling your baby items

  • Collecting / storing items to donate/sell
  • Safety tips to think about
  • When selling / donating items – what to think about
  • Top Places for selling and/or donating in Hamilton

Collecting items to donate/sell

After your baby has outgrown or no longer needs the item in question, collecting enough items for donation and/or to sell is great way to batch your energy and reduce overwhelm of the process of selling/donating individual items.

  1. Find a spot either in the nursery or mudroom where you can collect items without being an eyesore.  Having multiple bins/bags one for donation and one for selling can help with organization. I preferred the nursery closet.
  2. Once those bins are filled, work on finding where you would like to donate/sell. Great ideas are below for the where.
  3. Next complete the process by DONATING / SELLING those baby items and start the process all over again! YIPPEE!
  4. Bonus: keep an extra bin for items that you want to keep for the next baby if you are planning for more.
selling your baby items

Great bins to help organize items to sell and donate


Consumer safety of reselling items in Canada

**Contrary to popular you can resell your carseat! Although a lot of organizations and Facebook groups don’t allow/accept due to liability.** 

Critical thinking: Would I give this item in question to someone walking down the street?  If the answer is NO, look at how you can recycle/dispose of the item in a safe way.

When selling your baby items

  • Willing to negotiate pricing? i.e. Firm, “OBO” – or best offer, make me an offer
  • What condition is the item(s) in? ie. Brand new with tags, like new, excellent condition, good condition, very well loved etc.  Buyers will be very interested in the condition when considering buying.
  • Consider selling items in bulk. i.e 0-3 month girl fall items.
  • Type of pick up i.e. meet at a neutral location, drop off, porch pick up
    • Once Upon a Child
    • Location based buy and sell FB groups
    • Facebook Marketplace
      • avoid using brand names

When donating baby items

Catch the Facebook Live I did on selling your baby items below:

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