how can we help?


  • Family & Small Business Branding

  • Intimate & Organic Moments

  • Warm & Bold Editing Style

  • Investment based on your needs

personal support work

  • Care – Personal / Respite / Post-Operative

  • Short-term In-home Support

  • Certified & Insured

  • For in-person support, clients need to be a 30 min drive from Grimsby Ontario

  • Investment – $30/hr


doula support

  • Birth & Postpartum

  • Home & Hospital Support

  • 6+ years of Experience

  • For in-person support, clients need to be a 30 min drive from Grimsby Ontario

  • Investment based on your needs

postpartum support

doula business mentor

  • Foundation Building & Growth

  • Virtual Support

  • Open to Canadian Doulas

  • Investment based on your needs


Design Awards Won


Happy Customer Reviews


Client Projects Delivered

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Maximus vulputate dignis sim imperdiet faucibus primis est scelerisque mauris vitae ahcretra pora temp sollicitudin.

We are specialists in brand strategy and creative identity

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Condiment montes curabitur sed egats. Vulputate temp bibendum.

Brand Strategy 75%
SEO & Marketing 89%

Practical solutions your website needs

Performance and Optimization

Marketing  and SEO Planning

experience a secure digital world through effective leadership

Lacus cum varius cond mentum montes curabitur sed eget. Pulputa bendum dignisya aim fusce orci fermen. Kum rhonced scelerisque tenetur.

developing high performance apps for customers achieving future goals

Project FAQ’s

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At teus lacus cum varius condimen tum montes curabitur sed eget. Vulputate biedum dignis asim usce orci fermen tum rhonced scelerisque.
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After the postpartum experience with my firstborn, I realized there needed to be more support for new families. The feelings of isolation and insecurity of becoming a new mother were too overwhelming to ignore. Since 2017, I have been taking strides in bringing awareness in postpartum support in the Hamilton community and beyond.
Postpartum support means more than just holding a baby for a few hours. Supporting the entire family for even a few hours at a time can have a positive impact in the postpartum experience. Benefits can last a lifetime!